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Saving the Yucatán’s Endangered Sea Turtles with Melania López-Castro, PhD

The Magical & Mysterious Lives of Octopuses with David Scheel, PhD

From Hatchlings to High Seas: Chatting Sea Turtle Conservation with Brad Nahill and Christine Figgener, PhD

Shark Tales: Stories from the Life of a Shark Biologist with Frida Lara, PhD

Combating Ocean Plastic Pollution through Adventure Sports & Advocacy with Christian Shaw

Changing the Narrative for Sharks in the Galapagos with Camila Arnés

Artificial Intelligence: The Next Big Wave in Conservation with Alex Robillard

To Spend One Day in Her Shoes: Stories from a Marine Biologist with Christine Figgener, PhD

Where Humpback Whales Meet with Frank Garita

Turning the Tide for Sea Turtles with Brad Nahill

Persistence: The Key to Saving Brazil’s Lahille’s Bottlenose Dolphin with Pedro Fruet, PhD