Search for Rewildology Episodes

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Sea Otters & Kelp Forests: Rewilding Oregon’s Coast with Chanel Hason

Saving the Yucatán’s Endangered Sea Turtles with Melania López-Castro, PhD

Rewilding Islands to Benefit the Sea: Removing the Land Ocean Barrier with Coral Wolf [Repost]

The Magical & Mysterious Lives of Octopuses with David Scheel, PhD

From Hatchlings to High Seas: Chatting Sea Turtle Conservation with Brad Nahill and Christine Figgener, PhD

Shark Tales: Stories from the Life of a Shark Biologist with Frida Lara, PhD

Endangered Species Day Special! Blue Whales of the Galapagos Islands with Daniela Alarcón

Sharkapalooza! Science, Facts, and Conservation of Central America’s Sharks with Frida Lara, PhD & Camila Arnés

Protecting & Conserving Antarctica’s Marine Mammals with Ari Friedlaender, PhD

Saving Sharks through Sciene & Community-Based Tourism with Frida Lara, PhD

Rewilding Islands to Benefit the Sea: Removing the Land Ocean Barrier with Coral Wolf

See A Need, Fill A Need: Protecting Mexico’s Whales & Empowering Local Communities with Katherina Audley

Using Science & Tourism to Uncover the Mysteries of Antarctica with Allison Cusick

Conserving the World’s Pygmy Three-Toed Sloths with Diorene Smith, DVM

Saving Australia’s Coral Reefs with Genetics with Annie Lamb

Artificial Intelligence: The Next Big Wave in Conservation with Alex Robillard

To Spend One Day in Her Shoes: Stories from a Marine Biologist with Christine Figgener, PhD

Nothing Is Permanent…Except Plastic with Sasha Francis