Episode #87 Show Notes

Into the Headlines: Translocating African Cheetahs to India with Stotra Chakrabarti, PhD

July 28, 2022

Headshot photo of Stotra Chakrabarti
Stotra ChakrabartiLarge Carnivore Expert, Professor at Macalester College

Episode #87 Summary

In today’s episode, we’re going to take another deep dive into a very recent headline that was just released a couple days ago. In case you missed it, eight African cheetahs are being translocated to India. Yes, the rumors are true, India is about to have all five of its traditional big cat species back within its borders. 

Instead of me analyzing this breaking news story, I phoned a friend, someone you all have heard more than once, and who happens to personally know the scientists in charge of this historic move – Stotra Chakrabarti, PhD.  Stotra is literally in India at this very moment and we’ve been WhatsApping back and forth about this translocation and lots of other stuff. I asked him if he’d be game to send me audio responses to my questions and he said yes! You all know I can’t keep this amazing information to myself. I’m always thinking about how I can get breaking information out to you, too. And so, Stotra with all of his connections and wisdom kindly opened my eyes to aspects of this historic translocation that I didn’t know anything about and I’m excited to share them with you, too.


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