Episode #73 Show Notes

Saving Australia’s Coral Reefs with Genetics with Annie Lamb

April 28, 2022

Headshot photo of Annie Lamb
Annie LambGenetics Researcher, Coral Expert

Episode #73 Summary

To teach us everything corals, today we’re sitting down with Annie Lamb, an Australian coral researcher, genetics expert, and very soon-to-be PhD. Annie grew up in temperate Victoria, Australia, but always knew that she wanted to become a marine biologist “someday”. Through a very windy path, she discovered the power of genetics to answer important ecological questions and to create conservation plans based on a species’ DNA. She finally had the opportunity to apply her newfound love of genetics to her favorite group of animals – corals. For the past several years, Annie has used genetics to study how we might be able to help corals survive the onslaught of issues they’re currently facing, particularly in the Great Barrier Reef. Annie and I nerd out over so many topics including population genetics, coral biology and reproduction strategies, the issues our reefs are facing, and how we all can make our corals’ lives a little easier. 

Before we dive into the episode, I wanted to give you a quick heads up that Annie recorded her audio in a busy lab setting, so you may hear a few moments of commotion here and there. However, I felt that the conversation was so good that hopefully you won’t mind the occasional sound. With some help, I did my best to remove as much background noise as possible for you.

Alright, everyone. Here is my conversation with Annie.

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Links & Resources

Annie’s Websites
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annielamb93/
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/annikamlamb1
AIMS @ JCU Profile: https://aims.jcu.edu.au/our-people/students/annika-lamb.541/
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Annika-Lamb

“Coral spawning and assisted evolution at Australia’s Sea Simulator” – Carl Smith on The Science Show. Feb, 2019. https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/scienceshow/coral-spawning-and-assisted-evolution-sea-simulator/10789814

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