In today’s episode, we’re sitting down with Daniela Alarcón, marine biologist and whale expert in the Galapagos Islands. Daniela grew up in the Ecuadorian highlands and spent her childhood camping and exploring her wild home. The first time she went to the sea and started to learn more about cetaceans (whales), she knew that she wanted to become a marine biologist and study this incredible group of animals. Daniela’s years of hard work and dedication paid off, as she was a part of the first group of researchers to tag a blue whale in the Galapagos Islands. I knew so little about blue whales before sitting down with Daniela and she taught me so much, which you will soon hear. Dani gives the Blue Whales 101, how she and her team tagged the first blue whales in the Galapagos, the most significant conservation issues whales are battling, and what we all can do to help this magnificent species.
Alright, everyone. Here is my conversation with Daniela.