I will give a heads up that English is not Frank’s first language, but he does a wonderful job explaining the unique whale phenomena happening in Costa Rica’s water and nowhere else in the world.
Alright, let’s get to today’s episode with Frank.
Episode #60 Show Notes
January 25, 2022
I will give a heads up that English is not Frank’s first language, but he does a wonderful job explaining the unique whale phenomena happening in Costa Rica’s water and nowhere else in the world.
Alright, let’s get to today’s episode with Frank.
Frank’s Websites
Twitter: https://twitter.com/frankgarita
EcoTeach: https://ecoteach.com/staff-partners/costa-rica-partners/
Visit Costa Rica: https://www.visitcostarica.com/en/costa-rica/frank-diego-garita-alp%C3%ADzar
Oceanic Society: https://www.oceanicsociety.org/take-a-trip/
Cascadia Research
Website: https://www.cascadiaresearch.org/
Reefs to Rockies
Website: https://reefstorockies.com/
Episodes Mentioned
Ep. 18 Show Notes | Birds, Beers & Travel with Sheridan Samano