Episode #54 Show Notes

Nothing Is Permanent…Except Plastic with Sasha Francis

December 15, 2021

Headshot photo of Sasha Francis
Sasha FrancisCommunity Engagement Coordinator at Galveston Bay Foundation

Episode #54 Summary

In this episode, I’m sitting down with Sasha Francis, environmental educator at Galveston Bay Foundation in Texas and former marine mammal trainer. Sasha was born in Rhode Island and knew from a young age that she wanted to pursue a career with wildlife. After an internship working with marine mammals, she knew what she wanted to do. She strived to enter the marine mammal world and worked with many incredible species for over a decade. After years of personal struggles and sacrifices, however, she switched her career to use her personality to educate the public on the plastic crisis. She also participated an incredible all-women’s sailing expedition from Panama to the Galapagos collecting microplastics data.

Sasha is such a fun person and I laugh so many times in this interview, as you’ll soon hear. We also touch on some pretty serious topics, like her experiences as a marine mammal trainer during Blackfish. Sasha also shares many valuable tips on how we all can make more sustainable choices in our everyday lives.

Alright, everyone. Here is my conversation with Sasha.

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Links & Resources

Links & Resources

Sasha’s Websites:
Sustainable Sasha: https://sustainablesasha.wordpress.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/uke.go.girl/
HOW TO HOLIDAY, SUSTAINABLY 🙂 Blog Post: https://sustainablesasha.wordpress.com/2019/12/23/how-to-holiday-sustainably/

Website: https://exxpedition.com/
Sasha’s Leg (Panama to Galapagos): https://exxpedition.com/voyage/panama-to-galapagos/

Galveston Bay Foundation
Website: https://galvbay.org/

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:
United By Blue: https://unitedbyblue.com/
The Violet Orange: https://www.thevioletorange.com/

Contacting Sasha

You can reach Sasha by messaging her through Instagram via the link above.

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