Episode #50 Show Notes

Instagram Influencing: Biologist Edition with Dillon Jones

November 10, 2021

Headshot photo of Dillon Jones
Dillon JonesGraduate Student at San Siego State University, Science Communicator @Dillonthebiologist

Episode #50 Summary

In this episode, I’m sitting down with Dillon Jones, a graduate student at San Diego State University who is studying the evolutionary history of herpetofauna in Middle America. (Quick definition: herpetofauna are reptiles and amphibians found in a particular region or time period, which you’ll soon learn more about). He also uses social media as a powerful science communication tool and has reached Instagram Influencer status. Dillon and I obviously connected online after I found his engaging videos and decided to reach out and say hi. We’ve been Insta buddies ever! Dillon and I discuss so much it’s almost difficult to recap, but a few highlights include the huge potential of his herp evolutionary study for advising conservation priorities, the why and how of him becoming an Instagram Influencer with many tips and tricks, and a huge rant session between us about the broken wheel of academia.

Today is also American Frog Day, which is why I’m releasing this episode this week! If you dig the conversation, add this episode to your Instagram story and tag Rewildology and DillontheBiologist with #AmericanFrogDay. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast wherever you’re listening to never miss a future episode. 

Alright, everyone. Here is my conversation with Stotra.

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Links & Resources

Links & Resources

Dillon’s Websites
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dillonthebiologist/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DillonTheBiologist
Website: https://learnadventurously.com/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdihyBzjnXQusxPerecOD0g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/biologistdillon

San Diego State University
Department of Evolutionary Biology: https://biology.sdsu.edu/eb/
Department of Biology: https://biology.sdsu.edu/

Contacting Dillon

You can reach Dillon by messaging him on Instagram (link above).

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