Episode #43 Show Notes

Saving the Giants of South America with Bridgette San Marco

September 28, 2021

Headshot photo of Bridgette San Marco
Bridgette San MarcoCo-founder, Save the Giants

Episode #43 Summary

In this episode, I’m chatting with Bridgette San Marco, Co-Founder of Save the Giants. Bridgette is a zookeeper and absolutely fell in love with giant otters early in her career. She wanted to do more for wild otters and went on a search to find an organization working diligently to conserve the species. When she didn’t find one, she connected with other otter lovers and co-founded Save the Giants with fellow conservationist, Christina Ward. Now, they’re working with indigenous communities in Guyana to conserve not only the giant otter but other South American icons as well, like jaguars and giant anteaters. Their approach to conservation is different than many wildlife nonprofits, and I hope more organizations adopt Save the Giants’ practices!

I barely knew anything about giant otters until this conversation and I had a blast learning from Bridgette. I hope that you will, too! Be sure to stick around until the end to hear this week’s question.

This week’s question:
How do you feel we can increase collaboration in conservation or the sciences in general?

I’d love to hear your answer. Comment below, send me an email or post your comment on the Rewildologists Community Facebook Group!

Alright, everyone. Here is my conversation with Bridgette.

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Links & Resources

Links & Resources

Save the Giants: https://savethegiants.org/
About Giant Otters: https://savethegiants.org/giant-otters-2/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savethegiantotter/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/savethegiantotters

Contacting Bridgette

You can reach Bridgette by emailing her at bridgette@savethegiants.org.

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