Today we’re going learn just that! In this episode, I’m chatting with Kayla Cranston, PhD, Director of Conservation Psychology Strategy and Integration at Antioch University, New England. Kayla is a master at creating long-term conservation engagement using psychology, She shares so many of her discoveries, the tools she uses when developing conservation strategies in communities, and so much more. If you’re working on your Masters, PhD, or are at a conservation organization, you cannot miss this episode. Kayla might give you a nugget that could completely change the trajectory of your work.
This week’s question:
Which of Kayla’s 5 Factors of Sustained Engagement surprised you the most? Can you think of ways to apply Conservation Psychology to you work?
I’d love to hear your answer. Comment below, send me an email or post your comment on the Rewildologists Community Facebook Group!
Alright, everyone. Here is my conversation with Kayla.