Episode #41 Show Notes

Rewilding the Land Down Under with Michael McFadden

September 16, 2021

Headshot photo of Michael McFadden
Michael McFaddenReintroduction Biologist at Taronga Zoo, Australia

Episode #41 Summary

At this point, we’re all well aware that we’re in a mass extinction event. Biodiversity is declining at accelerating rates and it seems harder and harder to put the brakes on this runaway train.

In the face of climate change, habitat loss, invasive species, Chytrid fungus, and more, amphibians are having the toughest go in recent years. The IUCN, or the International Union for Conservation of Nature, states that 40% of all amphibians are threatened with extinction. That’s freaking nuts! Clearly, most species in this highly important group will disappear if we don’t intervene. Luckily for Australia’s amphibians and reptiles, one man and his team are working diligently to save and reintroduce species back into the wild.

In this episode, I’m chatting with Michael McFadden, reintroduction biologist and head of the Herpetofauna department at the Taronga Zoo in Sydney, Australia. For years, Michael has been rescuing, propagating, and reintroducing endangered amphibian and reptile species back into the Australian bush. His work is as rewarding as it is difficult, and he shares his many years of experience with us – all the highs, lows, and surprises.

This week’s question:
 What are the biggest threats to nature in your area? What rewilding projects are proposed or underway to reverse habitat loss and ecosystem degradation?

I’d love to hear your answer. Comment below, send me an email or post your comment on the Rewildologists Community Facebook Group!

Alright, everyone. Here is my conversation with Michael.

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Links & Resources

Links & Resources


Michael’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maccaswildlifeshots/
Rebound from Extinction with Michael McFadden – Taronga Talks: https://taronga.org.au/get-involved/taronga-talks/episode-5
Taronga Conservation Society Australia: https://taronga.org.au/
Taronga’s Zoo Conservation Efforts: https://taronga.org.au/conservation-and-science/our-contribution

Contacting Michael

You can reach Michael by emailing him at mmcfadden@zoo.nsw.gov.au.

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