Episode #28 Show Notes

Canines in Conservation: Detecting Scientific Data with Kayla Fratt

June 15, 2021

Headshot photo of Kayla Fratt
Kayla FrattFounder of K9 Conservationists

Episode #28 Summary

Hello and welcome back to Rewildology, the show about conservation, travel, and rewilding the planet. I’m your host, Brooke Mitchel-Norman, conservation biologist and adventure traveler.

Before we dive into today’s episodes, I have more announcements for you all that I’m so pumped to share!

All of you know that I absolutely love this podcast and the new connections that have been created since it launched. However, I’ll be fully honest that sometimes I feel like I’m releasing these episodes to a black hole with no way to chat with you about. 

So, I decided to change this, and I created a Facebook Group called Rewildologists as a place for all of us to come together and talk about conservation in an open and engaging way! 

Since you, listener, could easily be anywhere in the world, I chose Facebook as the group platform so that anyone anywhere can join. 

I also plan to use this group as a space to ask questions, make podcast announcements, share interesting resources that I find, etc, and I encourage everyone in the group to do the same. No more sharing Rewildology stuff into the black ethers!

You can easily find the group by either searching for Rewildologists or heading over the Rewildology Facebook page and clicking on the Groups tab.

Rewildologists Community Facebook Group

I hope to meet you there soon! 

Alright, onto today’s show.

I know you’ve heard the age-old saying that dogs are man’s best friend. Well, what if they’re also conservation’s best friend? This week and next week we’re exploring dog’s emerging roles in conservation, specifically in data detection and anti-poaching. 

In this episode, I’m speaking with Kayla Fratt, professional dog trainer, podcast host, blogger, entrepreneur, and founder of K9 Conservationists. In other words, she’s a total badass, independent woman making her way through this crazy field. 

Kayla does a fantastic job taking me through her journey that led her today, the different types of conservation dog jobs that are currently out there, why she decided to go into conservation detection dog work, and all of the ups and downs she’s experienced along the way. 

If you’re a dog person, like to stay up-to-date on the latest conservation methods, or need some inspiration to keep trucking along your path, you’ll definitely want to listen to everything Kayla shares. I learned so much from her and I’m sure you will too!

Also, you’ll hear Kayla and I have a total brain fart over a type of animal tracking that’s called Plaster Track Casting. I decided to give you this information now instead of interrupting you later. Trust me, you’ll know when this is relevant because we both stumble for a solid second not finding the words for this procedure. Here it is!

If you like today’s episode, share it with a friend, put it on your Instagram story, or anywhere else you like to share your favorite podcasts. Also, give the show a rating and review on Apple Podcasts or in another app that allows you to review shows. Subscribing and reviewing the show is the best way to help more and more people organically find the show. Let’s get the good conservation word out there!

And now, onto my chat with Kayla.

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Links & Resources

Links & Resources

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Dog searching videos:

Contacting Kayla

You can reach Kayla by emailing her at K9conservationists@gmail.com.

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