Episode #181 Show Notes

Tigers Return: Rewilding Satkosia with Aditya Panda

August 1, 2024

Headshot photo of Aditya Panda
Aditya PandaWildlife Conservationist & Expedition Leader

Episode #181 Summary

In the heart of India, a once-thriving tiger reserve fell silent, its last roar fading in 2022. Now, a bold mission is underway to bring the tigers back to Satkosia, rewriting the future of an entire ecosystem.

Today we are joined by Aditya Panda, an award-winning wildlife conservationist, Expedition Leader, and the Honorary Wildlife Warden of the Angul District in his home state of Odisha, where the Satkosia Tiger Reserve is located.

We explore the fascinating history of tiger reserves in India, including the challenges Satkosia faced during a failed reintroduction attempt in 2018. But the story doesn’t end there. Aditya walks us through the remarkable efforts underway to prepare Satkosia for tigers once again – from working with communities on voluntary relocations to cracking down on bushmeat and poaching, and the exciting return of prey species.

Satkosia is a tale of resilience and strategic conservation, and offers a story of hope for the future of India’s tigers. 

Alright, enough chit-chat from me. Let’s jump into the fascinating world of tiger conservation with the one and only Aditya Panda!

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