Episode #159 Show Notes

Sharkapalooza! Science, Facts, and Conservation of Central America’s Sharks with Frida Lara, PhD & Camila Arnés

February 15, 2024

Headshot photo of Frida Lara
Frida LaraPhD shark researcher and Co-Founder of Orgcas in Mexico
Headshot photo of Frida Lara
Camila Arnés
Hammerhead and thresher shark researcher in the Galapagos Islands

Episode #159 Summary

What fish has been swimming the oceans for over 400 million years, has multiple rows of teeth, hunts using electroreception, and whose presence is vital for healthy oceans? You guessed it – sharks, the apex predators of the big blue.

Welcome back to Rewildology, the nature podcast that explores the human side of conservation, travel, and rewilding the planet. I’m your host, Brooke Mitchell, conservation biologist and adventure traveler.

Today, I’m sharing with you another compilation minisode! In this 30-minute, information-packed episode, you’ll hear from two badass women shark biologists who have starred on the show: Frida Lara, PhD, shark researcher, tour guide, and Co-Founder of Orgcas in Mexico; and Camila Arnés, hammerhead and thresher shark researcher in the Galapagos Islands. Both discuss the insightful studies they conducted to understand shark behavior and movement patterns in their study region and share lots of facts about sharks, some of which may surprise you.

Grab your virtual snorkel gear, and embark on an educational journey into the blue depths to understand the lives of Galapagos sharks, silky sharks, hammerhead sharks, and more. 

Alright, everyone. Please enjoy this toothy, salty, and enlightening episode with Frida and Cami today on Rewildology.

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Frida & Camila in the Field

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