Episode #155 Show Notes

Educating for the Wild: A Quest to Save Painted Dogs with Wilton Nsimango

December 21, 2023

Headshot photo of Wilton Nsimango
Wilton NsimangoEducator, Painted Dog Conservation

Episode #155 Summary

Have you ever wondered what it takes to create a world where wild dogs, an endangered carnivore species, can not only survive but thrive? How are conservationists making this dream a reality in an environment as tough as the Kalahari Desert?

Today we are traveling to Zimbabwe to meet an inspiring man, Wilton Nsimango, who is changing the future for wild dogs and children. After teaching in the country’s education sector for 17 years, Wilton felt called to work in wildlife conservation and joined Painted Dog Conservation in 2004. 

PDC’s mission is to create an environment where painted dogs can thrive. Through a unique conservation model, PDC employs over 60 individuals from local villages, fostering a harmonious relationship between wildlife protection and community development. From the frontline Anti-Poaching Unit tirelessly patrolling to the Rehabilitation Facility caring for injured and orphaned dogs, the organization’s multifaceted efforts showcase a commitment to safeguarding the future of painted dog populations.

But PDC’s impact doesn’t end with wildlife alone. You guessed it – this is where Wilton’s expertise comes in. PDC also has a robust education program that includes a Children’s Bush Camp, a Visitors Centre at the entrance to Hwange National Park, collaborative art projects, conservation clubs, and community gardens. All of this to improve wild dog survival and local communities’ quality of life.

Whether you’re a conservation educator, carnivore specialist, or wildlife enthusiast, join me as we explore the dynamic intersection of conservation, education, and community upliftment in this inspiring episode with Wilton Nsimango and the Painted Dog Conservation team.

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Alright, everyone. Please enjoy this heartwarming conversation with Wilton.

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Wilton in the Field

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Wilton’s Websites

Painted Dog Conservation

Resources Mentioned in the Episode

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