Legal and illegal pet trades, vehicle collisions, powerlines, fires, habitat loss, and human conflict. The planet’s wildlife is having a hard time existing alongside us. While we sadly lose countless individuals every year from human-caused calamities, thankfully, some are given a second life. Dedicated conservationists all over the globe have studied animal rehabilitation and opened rescue centers to provide injured wildlife with immediate medical attention, and then either release them back into the wild when they’ve fully healed or provide them with a home in captivity to live out the rest of their days in comfort.
Just like you and me, each rescued individual in a wildlife facility has a story and a life lesson worth sharing. Today’s guest, Ramón Casares, recognized the power of these stories, and for the past ten years, he has traveled all over the world taking stunning photographs of rescued animals and sharing their story with the fine art community.
Ramón and I have a deep discussion about his childhood and how his mother and father influenced the work he pursues today, why he got into photography, how the idea for the Ex Situ Gallery came to him, how he picks his subjects and the logistics behind his photography, his pursuit into the art world and why he decided to make fine art consumers his target demographic, what he sees as the road forward for positive change, and his hopes for the future of Ex Situ and conservation as a whole.
A quick disclaimer, or heads up, rather. Ramón and I talk a lot about politics, probably the most that’s ever been openly discussed on the show. I recommend coming in with an open mind, regardless of your political beliefs, and thinking about why you might agree or disagree with Ramon’s views. I love having unfiltered conversations and that’s exactly what today’s episode is – a conversation between two conservationists.
Alright, everyone. I won’t hold you up any longer. Please enjoy this wide-ranging discussion with Ramón.

Episode #146 Show Notes
Raising Conservation Awareness through Fine Art with Ramón Casares
August 17, 2023

Ramón CasaresPhotographer
Episode #146 Summary
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