Episode #128 Show Notes

April’s Sample Collection: The Colorado River, Nature Storytelling, & North American Bears

May 2, 2023

Episode #128 Summary

I cannot believe we’re already at the end of April! How the heck did that happen? This month we talked about a river in dire straits, writing impactful stories, and coexisting with bears.  If you missed an episode and would like to hear a little snippet before diving into the full thing, listen to these highlights and then go back to the episode that piques your interest the most.

Also, I want to remind you of the Listener Meet-Up happening on May 16th at 6 PM ET! I’d love for you to join if you’re available. Don’t worry; participating is free. Email your RSVP to hello@rewildology.com. I can’t wait to meet you!

Here you go, friends! Enjoy!

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April's Guests in the Field

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